What to Expect in a Typical Reiki Session?


Last Updated on March 10, 2022

Many people wonder what they can expect from their reiki session. It’s normal to have questions like “How does the energy working within you help bring about positive changes in your life?” and “Does it really work?”

First sessions can be nerve-wracking, but fret not! In this blog post, we will provide you with information that can help you get the most out of your reiki experience!

What is Reiki healing?

Reiki is a form of energy healing technique that is said to bring clients closer to the source of universal energy. This healing energy work combines gentle touch, intention, and guided meditation to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit.

Based on the idea that an unseen universal life force energy flows through us, if one’s life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed.

By participating in an energy healing session with a reiki practitioner, it is said to help enhance the life force energy in us which contributes to healing and well-being.

Some techniques used by professional reiki practitioners

  • Centering
  • Clearing
  • Beaming
  • Removing negative energy blocks
  • Infusing positive energies
  • Smoothing auras

What to expect in a Reiki treatment?

What to Expect in a Reiki TreatmentPin

A typical reiki session usually lasts for about an hour, and during that time the practitioner’s hands will go around the person’s body lightly or non-invasively.

If you’re thinking about trying Reiki, here’s what you can expect from a typical session.

See also
What Is a Reiki Therapist?

Before the session

Here are some suggestions you can do to prepare yourself for your energy healing therapy:

1. Listen to music

Listening to music makes you feel relaxed and can help you enjoy your session more.

If you have a certain song in mind that helps you to relax, you may ask your therapist to play it while the session is ongoing. If you prefer silence more, then that’s okay also.

2. Eat and hydrate

A few hours before your session, you may want to eat and drink first so that you won’t get distracted by hunger and thirst.

However, it is best not to have heavy meals as to not direct all your energies to your digestion while the session is starting.

3. Ask your practitioner about the process

Receiving reiki would require light touches from your practitioner.

If you are shy about being touched by others, you may ask your practitioner about the hand placements of the therapy. This is so you will know what to expect before beginning the session.

4. Mention your health conditions

To get the most of your experience, let your practitioner know if you have any past or current health conditions.

For example, if you have a hard time breathing lying down, tell your practitioner in advance so that they can change your position. You can also inform them if you’ve just had a recent surgery so that they can float their hand above the tender area.

During the session

In an average session, clients receive the attunement process from a Reiki Master, which allows them to work with Reiki energy directly in the body.

You may expect the following during your session:

  • The practitioner will ask you to sit or lie down on a massage table, fully clothed.
  • Usually, the practice is non-invasive while the qualified reiki practitioner goes through a series of locations in your body.
  • In cases where the practitioner has to touch you, it should be a light touch only and should never be inappropriate and intrusive.
  • The most common parts where the practitioner places his or her hands are on your head, the front and back of your torso, and limbs. This all depends on the symptoms you may be having.
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Some people report feeling a sense of calm and peace during a reiki session, while others say it can be quite powerful and dramatic. This can probably be attributed to the releasing of stress and deep relaxation a Reiki practice can bring to a person.

After the session

One of the misconceptions of those who received Reiki treatment is that they will receive a diagnosis after the session.

Do not expect a diagnosis since reiki is only a complementary medicine that can be implemented alongside other therapeutic and medical techniques.

What you may feel after the treatment differs for every person. Some reactions after the therapy may include:

  • Feeling more tired than usual
  • Having a sense of calmness and mental clarity
  • Reduced stress and better sleep

This is viewed as a positive outcome, and not as an adverse reaction since it’s the body’s natural healing response.

How to know if Reiki practitioners are qualified?

There are many people who offer reiki services, but not all of them are qualified. There are a few ways to determine if a reiki practitioner is qualified.

  • First: Ask for their credentials. Credentials can include certification from a reiki school or organization.
  • Second: Ask about their training. Good training will include a combination of hands-on practice and theory. A qualified practitioner will have undergone formal training and will be able to provide you with information about their teacher and the lineage of the practice.
  • Third: Check their social media. Another way to know if they are qualified is to go over their website or social media pages. Check if they are affiliated with formal reiki organizations.

How many Reiki sessions should I have?

Your practitioner may recommend a series of sessions, depending on the treatments you would need. Generally, the usual recommendation is around four sessions to assess the effectiveness of your treatment.

Just let your practitioner know when you’d like to schedule the sessions on dates that best fit your schedule.

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In the event of a serious health problem, practitioners will typically require clients to undergo four sessions over four days. These treatments need not be provided by the same professional.

Health Benefits of Reiki Therapy

Health Benefits of Reiki TherapyPin

Reiki works wonders for your body. Receiving this treatment is believed to manage symptoms such as:

  • Reduce pain like headache, nausea, and tensions
  • Relieve anxiety and fatigue
  • Aid in treating depression
  • Increase positive mood and well-being

While there is limited scientific evidence to support the health benefits of reiki, many people report feeling relief after sessions.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, a typical reiki session is a relaxing and calming experience. It can help to reduce stress and promote healing.

If you are considering trying reiki, be sure to find a certified practitioner to ensure you receive the best possible treatment!

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