Hair and Spiritual Energy: What is Their Relationship?


Last Updated on October 2, 2023

Hair and spirituality have been linked for centuries, with many cultures believing that hair is a powerful conduit for spiritual energy.

This belief has gained popularity recently, with many people exploring its spiritual meaning. Some believe that the way we wear our hair can affect our energy levels, while others believe that the very act of cutting our hair can have a profound impact on our spiritual state.

This article will delve deeper into the deep spiritual significance of human hair in our lives, exploring the various beliefs and practices associated with this connection. You will also learn more about and be given references on:

  • The relationship between hair and energy
  • The spiritual energy of curly hair
  • The spiritual hair growth
  • Long hair and spirituality
  • How to protect the power in the hair

What is the meaning of hair concerning the spiritual realm?

what does hair mean spiritually

Before we go into the profound spiritual symbolism of hair, let’s look at how hair is viewed by society in general.

In a sociological context, hair reflects one’s personal identity and self-expression. It is regarded as a symbol of sexuality and signifies belief, culture, and social influence. The condition, style, and appearance of one’s hair significantly impact one’s self-esteem.

That said, the belief in the connection between hair and spirituality differs across various spiritual traditions, cultures, and periods.

Some believe that hair is a natural extension of our nervous system, balancing the electromagnetic field in our body. Our hair tips serve as an antenna that gathers energy from the universe. It also protects the top of our head (where our crown chakra is located) and lets us access the highest states of consciousness and be connected with the universe.

Related: Does Long Hair Affect the Brain and Spiritual Activities? Answers Here!

Historically, Native Americans believe that hair length connects them to nature and the life force surrounding them. This was proven effective during the Vietnam War when the indigenous people were scouting lands. The natives with longer hair had better intuition and spiritual connection than those with haircuts.

Yogi Bhajan believes that hair is one of the most valuable resources of human vital energy. Bhajan was a yoga teacher, spiritual master, and entrepreneur who introduced Kundalini yoga and Sikhism to the Americans.

On the other hand, Sikhism is a spiritual practice that allows one’s hair to grow naturally out of respect for God’s creation. From the yogic perspective, hair is nature’s gift that helps raise the Kundalini energy (creative life force) within us. The power of hair increases vitality, intuition, and tranquility.

Bhajan’s teachings also state that your hair follicles produce essential nutrients when you let them attain their full length. This leads to a more efficient memory, greater strength, and improved stamina and patience.

What does curly hair mean spiritually?

curly hair. Close up portrait of a beautiful female fashion model with curly hair

People with curly hair are perceived to have a fire personality associated with leadership, passion, aggression, and intuition. Most legends, classic myths, and fairytales regarded curly-haired women as dangerous. But in the aspect of spirituality, curly hair is considered divine.

The founders of world religions are described as having pure wool-like hair and soft, curly, and cylindrical hair. Spiraling curls of one’s hair signify the spiraling power that causes galaxies, stars, planets, and atoms to spin. Spiral is the most profound motion of the universe as it dances in spirals and rotations.

Spiral-coiled hair enhances one’s ability to pick up the most detailed energy levels. The curls are like high-tension wires that transmit divine energy at a spiraling speed. It facilitates spiritual awareness, telepathy, and energy receptivity.

Does long hair take away energy?

Long Hair and Spiritual Energy

Apart from being an extension of one’s identity, the spiritual meaning of long hair has always been a great deal. Certain faiths and cultural beliefs link weakness to cutting hair or short hair. It loses its receptiveness to energy and takes years to restore its ability to receive and send out energy.

In the early years, people have known long hair’s spiritual meaning. Enslaved people were punished by having their hair cut. The oppressors believed this act would make the enslaved people yield, taking away their energy and power.

The Mongol leader Genghis Khan ordered the people of China to cut their hair short. Genghis Emperor reckoned that the Chinese were intelligent people who would not let themselves be defeated. Thus, he had everyone cut their hair and have bangs to impede the development of their knowledge and intuition.

You may have encountered or heard about the story of Samson. The biblical figure mentioned in the Book of Judges had long hair, giving him superhuman strength. Samson lost his power when Delilah cut his hair short while asleep.

Protecting Your Hair’s Positive Spiritual Energy

protecting your hair's positive spiritual energy

Now that you fully understand long hair’s spiritual meaning and how it may affect your spiritual path, you may be curious about how to conserve its energy. Below are some hair care tips:

Use natural hair products

Protect your long hair’s spirituality using organic shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatment products. Avoid the ones with strong chemicals that can harm your scalp and hair.

Maintain a healthy diet

It is great to work from the inside to keep your hair in good shape. Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats to nourish your hair and protect it from dry or split ends. You may also apply coconut oil or almond oil overnight. Also, your hair absorbs more vitamin D when it dries naturally in the sun.

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Use a comb made of wood

A wooden comb keeps the electromagnetic field intact, prevents static electricity, and maintains the energy of your crown chakra.

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Wash out the stress

Negative energy builds up on your hair after a tiring day or an emotional argument. Try to wash the negativity and stress out of your hair to cleanse your scalp from this blockage. However, remember not to overwash your hair to retain the natural oils.

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Be mindful of your hairstyle

Wearing your hair up daily absorbs life-force energy and stimulates the pineal gland. The pineal gland secretes melatonin, which modulates the ability of hair to grow. It is best to keep it down at night to be receptive to lunar energy and enhance spiritual perception.

Cut your hair during the full moon

Different references to the spiritual significance of long hair have been mentioned above. Having a trim is like cutting your long hair’s spiritual benefits. If you need to cut your hair, do so when the moon is waxing. Cutting your hair during this time stimulates your hair to grow back quickly.

Related:Tangled Hair Spiritual Meaning


Our crowning glory is essential to our physical body, enhancing our ability to stimulate natural and positive energy. Adapting the best practices above helps reap the spiritual benefits of long hair and protect your crown chakra. More than just the spiritual aspect, taking care of your hair for personal health and grooming is essential.

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