What Do The 7 Chakras Mean: Everything You Need To Know


Last Updated on July 23, 2023

Our body’s key energy points known as chakras govern all aspects of our lives. Chakra refers to the Sanskrit term “cakra,” which depicts a wheel with a revolving energy. We associate each chakra with parts of the body or organs and classify each based on the element it rules.

Some people believe that there are more than a hundred chakras in us. Among these energy points are seven major chakras that have a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual impact. What do the seven chakras mean?

In this article, you will learn and understand the:

  • Meaning of each energy point
  • The color representations and the elements associated with each chakra
  • The signs of balanced and unbalanced chakras

1) The Root Chakra or Muladhara

At the base of your spine, legs, and your pelvic floor is the root chakra that governs your sense of stability. It translates to the Sanskrit term “Muladhara,” rooting from the words “mula” (root) and “adhara” (support).

Color and Element of the Root Chakra

The root chakra’s color is red, which signifies survival and safety as it stimulates and signals warnings. People also connect this color with energy, passion, power, confidence, courage, and physical and emotional survival.

Also known as earth chakra, we associate the root chakra with the earth’s physical identity. Earth qualities like roughness, density, and sturdiness also define this chakra, ideal for having a solid foundation. It directs towards self-preservation, regarded as humans’ basic instinct.

Effect of Balanced and Unbalanced Root Chakra

You may have anxiety and feel unsafe when there are blockages in this chakra. Physical manifestations include ailments in your legs, feet, and lower back.

A balanced root chakra gives you a sense of stability and the courage to face your problems. You handle challenges better and it makes you feel grounded.

2) The Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana

The Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana

Responsible for your sexual and creative energies, the sacral chakra is just above your pubic bone and below your navel. It refers to the Sanskrit term “Svadhisthana,” derived from the words “swa” (self) and “adhishthana” (established).

Color and Element of the Sacral Chakra

Orange is the color associated with this energy point. It carries the meanings connected to creativity, sexuality, and emotions. The color is also representing vitality and strength.

Water is the element that’s related to the sacral chakra. Like water, this chakra gives a sense of fluidity, and allows your creative energies to flow within you.

Effects of Balanced and Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

A blocked sacral chakra may cause emotional instability, a lack of energy, and sexual dysfunction. It leads to addiction and gluttony and a lack of passion and creativity.

An open and balanced sacral chakra gives a smooth flow of creative energies. It allows you to think of innovative ideas and solutions to problems. You will also relish life’s pleasures and have a sense of wellness and abundance.

3) The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

Covering all your digestive-related organs is the solar plexus chakra, also known as “Manipura” in Sanskrit. It is a portmanteau of the words “mani” (jewel) and “pura” (city). This chakra gives you self-confidence and a sense of individual power.

Color and Element of the Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow signifies energy, intellect, will, and personal power. It is the color of sunshine and the energy it emulates is vibrant and optimistic. It is the color of the third main energy point.

The solar plexus energy has the qualities of the fire or flame. It is bright, warm, and always in motion. Being associated with this chakra, the color yellow pertains to power, warmth and mobility.

Effects of Balanced and Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra

A lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem are the signs of a blocked solar plexus chakra. It manifests through digestive-related health issues.

A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you a strong sense of power and confidence in your intuition. You avoid procrastination and will get the energy you need to finish and do the things you can today.

4) The Heart Chakra or Anahata

The Heart Chakra or Anahata

This chakra is all about love and compassion, encapsulating your breasts, lungs, and heart. It translates to the Sanskrit term “Anahata” that means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten.”

Color and Element of the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra’s color is green, connecting with life, nature, healing, and support. We also consider green as the color of love, transformation, life, growth, and balance.

We connect the element of air to this energy point. No one can see it, but we feel its presence and its movement. Air is everywhere, and it manifests itself when we breathe.

Effects of Balanced and Unbalanced Chakras

When this chakra is blocked, you will feel out of touch and you push away people who care about you. A closed chakra can lead to anger, fear, jealousy, and grief.

A balanced chakra gives you a smooth flow of love and compassion within you. You will feel equal love for others and for yourself. It will also make you more empathetic, understanding, and interconnected with others.

Related: What Does Heart Chakra Opening Feel Like?

5) The Throat Chakra or Vishuddha

This chakra covers your throat, mouth, thyroid, neck, and upper back and it rules self-expression and all aspects of communication. We know it as “Vishuddha” in Sanskrit, which means “to purify.”

Color and Element of the Throat Chakra

Blue represents the color of spirit and is related to self-expression and the ability to communicate. It also symbolizes creative countenance and the expression of truth.

The element of ether (space) pertains to the clear sky or the upper sectors of air beyond the clouds. It is through the ether that the sound and communication pass through, linking to the throat chakra as it rules this aspect.

Effects of Balanced and Unbalanced Throat Chakra

When this chakra falls out of balance, it is difficult to speak your mind. If the chakra is overactive, you find yourself interrupting others when they speak.

One may feel that they can clearly and effectively communicate when this chakra maintains a sense of equilibrium. You speak the truth and can confidently express yourself.

6) The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna

This is the chakra for wisdom and intuition. We know the third eye chakra as “Ajna” in Sanskrit, which means beyond wisdom. It is in between your eyebrows, ruling your head, lower part of the brain, eyes, ears, and pituitary gland.

Color and Element of the Third Eye Chakra

The color indigo has the profundity of awakening and change, which connects us to time and space. It evokes inner wisdom, intuition, and extrasensory perception.

Like the human mind, this energy point covers one’s instinct, perception, intelligence, and imagination.

We also relate it with the elements of electricity and telepathy.

Effects of Balanced and Unbalanced Third Eye Chakra

Bodily manifestations of a blocked chakra are sight and hearing problems and headaches. In the spiritual aspect, it is hard to trust your inner voice and access your intuition.

You can recognize and tap into your intuition when this chakra is open. It lets you make a sound decision through the information you get beyond your normal sensory range.

7) The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

Known as the “thousand-petalled lotus,” the crown chakra is on top of your head, governing your muscular and nervous system. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is “Sahasrara” which means thousand or infinite. It governs your pursuit of spiritual consciousness.

Color and Element of the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra’s hue is violet, which pertains to the universal consciousness and connection with spirituality. It connects you to your inner strength and purifies your feelings and thoughts. The element of consciousness is associated with this energy point, along with the qualities of being infinite, immortal, and blissful.

Effects of Balanced and Unbalanced Crown Chakra

An unbalanced crown chakra causes you to be skeptical, narrow-minded, and have a feeling of isolation. You will feel disconnected from everything and everyone.

Aligned chakras give you a sense of consciousness and all-encompassing awareness. You will be enlightened and spiritually connected to the higher level of yourself.


Understanding chakras and how they work would help you focus on the aspects of your life that need improvement. It is essential to maintain balance in all the major energy points to let the life force energy flow smoothly.

When the vital energy within you is unobstructed, you will live a balanced life full of fulfillment and positivity.

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